Leah Cruz - Alexander HS - St. Mary's University

"Never let fear hold you back from your dreams and goals. You will never know what you can accomplish until you try, and always remember to work hard. You must believe in yourself first so that others can too."

Bella Lopez - United HS - University of North Texas Dallas

“Success comes with being coachable, being a good teammate, and being unselfish on the court! Be tired tomorrow, defense creates offense and win the 50/50 balls.  Always make hard work your passion!” –Bella Lopez #15 United High Class of 2021/UNT Dallas signee

Tina Trevino - United HS - Our Lady of the Lake University

“Never doubt yourself and if you set your mind and heart to it you will succeed.  And always enjoy every moment of it.”

Christian Farias - United HS - Howard Payne University

“I would just tell them that no matter how old they get and no matter how serious their sport gets never lose that little kid inside you that plays the game because it’s what they love to do.  Never lose that little kid inside you and always love what you’re doing. Have fun with what you’re doing because that’s the whole point. Also if they want to make it to a higher level as well push yourself to work hard every day and every day make sure you’re not just trying to work harder than everyone on your team, not just everyone in your city, but in your mind, you have to think that you’re trying to work harder than everyone in the world. Because no matter how hard you think you’re working, there’s always someone out there working harder than you, And don’t just go to practice, everyone is doing that, you have to work hard on your own too. You have to do the little things that other people aren’t doing. That’s how you’ll make it to the top! Hard work will always overpower talent!”

Abrianna Casarez - United HS - Dodge City CC

"Never, ever give up or doubt yourself.  Believe in yourself, follow your dreams, and goals and you will accomplish a lot in track.  Even if you're tired while running, don't give up or stop; the pain is only temporary, so always keep going!"

Juan Milera - United South HS - Eastern New Mexico University

“I would tell young kids playing at the Boys and Girls Club to always have fun and work hard at whatever they do, whether it is in sports, school, or life. Always give 110% and you will see the results."