BGC Sports Alumni

'19-'20 College Signings

LJ Herrera - Nixon HS - OLLU

“I would say the advice I have is: 1) Put God first in everything you do.  2) Be you, be who you want to be, and be what you want to become. Don’t let anyone or anything intimidate you and your dreams.  3) Have respect at all times, whether it’s at a game, at home, or in school.  Wherever you may be at, have respect for yourself and for others. “

Ariana Guerra- U. South HS- TAMIU

“Always have fun and have a great attitude no matter the outcome and NEVER give up! Hard work always beats talent!  Most importantly, thank your parents and be good to them, they are your biggest supporters!!”

Jackson Alaniz- Nixon HS - Cerro Coso CC

“I would tell young student athletes playing at the Boys and Girls Club to always have fun in their chosen sports.  Always work hard in school and on the field and always surround yourself with people who share your dedication and character. Take care of your body and stay humble.” 

Geraldine Valles- Nixon HS- Cerro Coso CC

“As a student athlete for 6+ years, I would want the kids of the Boys and Girls club to know that nothing ever comes easy. You have to work for what you want and if you fail keep trying. It's necessary to hangout with the right crowds of people in and out of school, and to always respect parents, teachers, and administrators. With hard work and dedication, you will succeed!”

Brian Gutierrez - Nixon HS - South Western University

"Always remember these two things:

Whenever you feel like quitting, remember why you started.

Failure is the best teacher throughout life."

Abigail Contreras - Martin HS - Central Christian College

“Enjoy it and have fun! Playing any sport is fun and amazing, you make memories and friends that you will never forget!”

Ashley Pena - Nixon HS - Iowa Lakes CC

"Being an athlete is truly challenging and will never be a simple task.  It takes passion, sacrifice, and loads of responsibility.  Placing school before sports is extremely important, because remember, you are a student before you are an athlete!!  However,            IT’S ALL POSSIBLE and YOU CAN DO IT!  Don’t let anything get in your way!   Being an athlete will bring a tremendous amount of joy to your life! Every loss and difficult situation will be worth the outcome!  Sports does not only teach you the game, but will teach you the game of life!  Whether you become a successful college athlete or finish your degree, sports will mold you into the best version of yourself!  Enjoy every single moment of it and go get some Ws!."

Ashley Monez - U. South HS - Midland College

“Become your number one fan and believe in yourself at times of uncertainty!”

Alejandra Villanueva - Martin HS - Springfield Technical CC

"As long as you believe in yourself something wonderful will happen.  Remember mistakes are the proof that you are trying. NEVER let anyone tell you because you are from the barrio or Martin you can't.  And remember it doesn't take the school or wealth, as long as you set a goal and strive to achieve it, your dream will be fulfilled."

TJ Rogerio - Nixon HS- OLLU

“Playing sports with your friends is amazing. Stay active and dream big. Without dreams and goals there isn’t any success. Playing in the Boys and Girls Club is an honor where the kids should go out and have fun. Whether you’re playing basketball or playing flag football, the goal is to stay fit and have fun. Thank you to the Boys and Girls Club for every opportunity to compete and stay active. Wings up!

Sergio Galvan - Alexander HS - Alvin CC

"Success is an accomplishment of hard work… No one can teach you how to work hard.  It’s self taught.  The bigger you dream, the harder you have to teach yourself to work. "

Alyssa Mata - Nixon HS - Iowas Lakes CC

“If you have dreams, try your best to make them come true.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make it.  Take that negativity as a motivation to pursue your dream.  Always work hard and never give up because at the end of the day it will all be worth it.”

Daejia Rodriguez - U. South HS - Iowa Central

“Dream big, never give up, and always train your hardest so you can persevere in all you want in your life.  Even if you may not seem as ‘athletic’ as one of your teammates, do NOT let that define you because ‘hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”